4 Days  

Rakher Utshob Tour: A Spiritual Journey

Highlights of the tour :

Rakher Utshob, also known as Kartik Brati, is a captivating Hindu festival celebrated with grandeur and devotion in Bangladesh. This vibrant festival, held in honor of the Hindu sage Baba Loknath, transforms the night into a spectacle of lights and prayers. Through this article, we aim to delve into the essence of Rakher Utshob Tour, exploring its rich history, cultural significance, and the immersive experience it offers to visitors.

Rakher Utshob Tour ITINEARY :

DAY 1: Dhaka arrival ( by flight or bus as per your convenience ) and check-in to pre-booked hotel by afternoon. On request, we can arrange airport pick-up. There will be an introductory, briefing and photography session by Team leaders at evening.

DAY 2 : After early breakfast start for brickfield , where people make bricks manually in a traditional way. After lunch visit to labour port to shoot daily life of hundreds of daily wage earners. Evening visit to a busy and chaotic railway station of Bangladesh.

DAY 3 : Early morning visit to Sadarghat dockyard to shoot ship making and repairing plants. After lunch, visit Barodi for Rakher Upobash festival shoot.

DAY 4 : Start with dumping yard shoot (optional for participants). There will be a photo review session. After lunch we will end our program.


  • Accommodation on twin sharing basis in a standard clean hotel. We will arrange single occupancy on demand during your booking.
  • Fee will cover all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) starting from Day 1 lunch to Day 4 lunch.
  • Mineral water will be served only with meals.
  • Tea/coffee will be served with breakfast and evening
  • All local transports related to our photo tour.
  • On field assistances, image reviews and mentor’s guidance fee.


  • Bus/train/flight tickets to and fro Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Visa fee or arrangement
  • Pick up and drop to and from Dhaka International Airport to hotel. (Note : Pick-up and drop arrangement will be on request.)
  • International travel Insurance
  • Any personal habits or expenses.

History of Rakher Utshob Tour

Rakher Utshob has its roots deeply embedded in the Hindu tradition, commemorating the life and teachings of Baba Loknath, a revered saint known for his spiritual wisdom and miraculous powers. Originating centuries ago, the festival has evolved, intertwining ancient rituals with contemporary celebrations. Initially a small community observance, Rakher Utshob has grown into a major cultural event, attracting thousands of devotees and tourists alike.

Cultural Significance

The cultural significance of Rakher Utshob is profound. It is not merely a religious observance but a celebration that brings communities together. The rituals symbolize hope, faith, and devotion, resonating deeply with the participants. For the locals, it’s a time to honor their heritage, while for tourists, it’s an opportunity to witness a living tradition that highlights the richness of Bengali culture.

When and Where Rakher Utshob is Celebrated

Rakher Utshob is celebrated in the month of Kartik (October-November), with the date varying each year according to the lunar calendar. The festival is predominantly observed in Dhaka, particularly at the Shri Shri Loknath Brahmachari Ashram in Swamibagh. Other notable locations include Barodi and different temples across Bangladesh, each offering a unique flavor of the celebrations.

Preparations for Rakher Utshob Tour

Preparations for Rakher Utshob begin weeks in advance. Community members clean and decorate the temples, while local authorities ensure safety and smooth management of the crowds. Traditional decorations with flowers and oil lamps create a mesmerizing atmosphere, setting the stage for the spiritual journey.

Traditional Practices and Rituals

The heart of Rakher Utshob lies in its traditional practices. Devotees light thousands of small oil lamps, known as Pradeep, creating a sea of lights that illuminates the night. The air resonates with devotional songs and prayers, enhancing the spiritual ambiance. Offerings of fruits, sweets, and other sacred items are made, symbolizing gratitude and reverence.

Key Attractions of Rakher Utshob

One of the key attractions of Rakher Utshob is the breathtaking display of candles and oil lamps. The visual splendor, combined with cultural performances and traditional music, captivates the visitors. Food stalls offering an array of local delicacies add to the festive spirit, making the experience wholesome and delightful.

How to Get There

For international tourists, reaching Rakher Utshob requires some planning. The nearest international airport is Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka. From there, local transport options like taxis, buses, or rideshares can take you to the festival locations. Booking accommodations in advance is recommended, with options ranging from budget hotels to more luxurious stays.

What to Expect During the Tour

Attending Rakher Utshob offers an immersive cultural experience. You can expect to be warmly welcomed by the locals, who are eager to share their traditions and stories. Participating in the rituals, even as an observer, provides a unique insight into the spiritual practices of the Hindu community in Bangladesh.

Photographic Opportunities

Rakher Utshob is a photographer’s paradise. The best spots for capturing the essence of the festival include the main temple areas where the lamp lighting takes place. Evening and night shots, capturing the illuminated lamps against the dark sky, are particularly striking. Remember to be respectful and avoid intruding on personal moments of prayer and reflection.

Local Cuisine to Try

No festival is complete without indulging in local cuisine. During Rakher Utshob, you’ll find a variety of traditional Bengali dishes. From savory snacks like samosas and pakoras to sweet delights like roshogolla and sandesh, the food stalls are a gastronomic adventure. Don’t miss out on trying the special festival foods prepared by the devotees.

Safety Tips for Tourists

While Rakher Utshob is a joyous occasion, safety should not be overlooked. Crowds can be dense, so keep your belongings secure and stay aware of your surroundings. Respect local customs by dressing modestly and following the festival etiquette. Additionally, it’s wise to carry some basic first aid and stay hydrated.

Sustainable Tourism Practices

Engaging in sustainable tourism practices is crucial. Support local vendors by purchasing souvenirs and food from them. Be mindful of your environmental impact – dispose of waste properly and reduce plastic usage. Embrace responsible tourism by showing respect and appreciation for the cultural heritage you are experiencing.

Personal Stories and Experiences

Past visitors often recount their experiences at Rakher Utshob with fondness. Many highlight the warm hospitality of the locals and the serene beauty of the illuminated lamps. These personal stories reflect how the festival has touched lives, offering moments of reflection, joy, and a deeper connection to cultural traditions.


Rakher Utshob is more than a festival; it’s a celebration of faith, community, and culture. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a culture enthusiast, or simply a curious traveler, experiencing Rakher Utshob offers a unique opportunity to witness a tradition that has stood the test of time. So, pack your bags and prepare to be enchanted by the lights, sounds, and flavors of this remarkable festival.


What is Rakher Utshob? Rakher Utshob, also known as Kartik Brati, is a Hindu festival celebrated in honor of Baba Loknath, featuring the lighting of oil lamps, devotional songs, and offerings.

When is Rakher Utshob celebrated? The festival is celebrated in the month of Kartik, which falls between October and November, with the specific date varying each year.

Where can I experience Rakher Utshob? Rakher Utshob is predominantly observed in Dhaka, particularly at the Shri Shri Loknath Brahmachari Ashram in Swamibagh, and in various temples across Bangladesh.

What should I bring to Rakher Utshob? It’s recommended to bring comfortable clothing, a camera for capturing the beautiful sights, some basic first aid, and a respectful attitude towards the local customs.

How can I be a respectful visitor during Rakher Utshob? Respect the local customs by dressing modestly, participating in rituals as an observer, and being mindful of the cultural and religious significance of the festival.

rakher upobash
rakher upobash
Rash mela
Rash mela

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